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  1. Starting  price  is  per  day as ordinary  day  is. ( 24 hours)
  2. Only for Daylly rent the  "day"   is  16 hours  rent. For  24  hours  you  get  the price  of  2 days  ordinary  rent.
  3. You  have  to  choose  the  INCURANCE  COST.
  4. Gredit card Full inscurance  (from  Credit  card) cost  plus 5€ per day. (You  must pay first and then we  do   the  paper work for  accident report  and you get them to your  Credit Card.)
  5. The price  you  pay  from  our  site include  all the  taxes, and  all the  extras  as  second driver free, 1booster seet fro free, baby seat  for  3€ per day extra, service on road  most deleay  is 4 hours, replacemend of  car  within  12 hours, free  transport for  the  driver from  accidentd  place.

A* celerio or similar

24,00 € Κανονική τιμή
11,76 €Τιμή Έκπτωσης
  • Price  include  all the  cost  as you  check the  list.


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